What a load of horse sheet? How do politicians control a population? For centuries politicians have created “false flags.” Today’s “Climate Control”and global warming is no different. In fact, there is more evidence of a “mini-ice age” than “global warming. Even the individual who first coined the term “global warming now admits he was wrong!Continue reading “ON CLIMATE CHANGE and TAX”

Liberals Gone Wild

Liberalism, progressiveness is truly a mental disorder. There is nothing sensical or logical regarding this movement. They totally contradict themselves at every turn. Just pure decadence and evil expressing itself. https://www.facebook.com/100013070080554/posts/594444404334557/?sfnsn=cl https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2624195024516820&id=100007790431349 https://youtu.be/K3zpTKg3IIw https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2215655745353863&id=1627181427534634 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=937237666425671&id=739440422872064

Belly of the Beast: Planned Parenthood

As a good and moral human being we are expected to stand up and fight for what is right and for those that can’t defend themselves. So what righteous causes do we choose? As an example do we “stand up” for Pro-Choice and defend women who feel they have ultimate say over their own bodiesContinue reading “Belly of the Beast: Planned Parenthood”

Liberals are much like ISIS

Liberals are much like ISIS. Silencing free speech, burning and tearing down history and even attempting to rewrite history.It starts at an early age. Liberals first begin indoctrinating our children in  perverted sex-ed, Science, political studies, Religious Studies and even history. Sex-edThey teach children that they can be be a boy or girl and ignoreContinue reading “Liberals are much like ISIS”

What happens when Islam enters a country

First a little back-story.Since Islam’s inception in the 6th Century A.D. it has aggressively and constantly attempted to convert and conquer the non-muslim world. Whereas most other religions also have commands to “go forth and spread the word” no other demands “conversion or death” except for the “Religion of Peace.” At this juncture some readersContinue reading “What happens when Islam enters a country”

The Fake News and biased tech giants

Not only are most news channels like CNN and MSNBC and news papers and publications fake and biased but so are social tech giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google. Silicon Valley is a cesspool of Liberal progressives. Not only are they fake but they are implicit in hiding or covering up real news. This startedContinue reading “The Fake News and biased tech giants”


Once Islam is introduced into a society Halal tax or Halal Certification is not far behind. Followers of Islam then soon approaches businesses and companies and demand inclusiveness. They claim they are left out and can not by the products or even services because they are not prepared and blessed by “muslim hands.” If aContinue reading “ON HALAL TAX”

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