Belly of the Beast: Planned Parenthood

As a good and moral human being we are expected to stand up and fight for what is right and for those that can’t defend themselves. So what righteous causes do we choose? As an example do we “stand up” for Pro-Choice and defend women who feel they have ultimate say over their own bodies or do we “stand up” for those that stand for the innocent and quiet voices of the unborn?

Under “Belly of the Beast” this blog will not only examine and delve into and comment on particular socioeconomic and political issues in detail but will also examine the broader connections and inter-connectivity between groups who have formed an almost unholy and contradictory alliance with one another only for the sole purpose of defeating good.

This writer also hopes to show that many causes that you may donate to and support are not what they appear to be and that your dollars are actually promoting and funding the practices or behaviors that you originally were fighting against.

The group’s covered in this multi-blog ” Belly of the Beast” are Planned Parenthood, Woman’s March and Feminism in America, ANTIFA , BLM, BDS, LGBQT, EU, UN and the Muslim Brotherhood . This list may grow slightly.


So let’s then begin with Planned Parenthood (PPFA). First, it is important to note that Democrats on the issue of Border Security preach that separating child from Mother is inhumane and immoral. In fact Trump has never separated child from Mother at the border no more than Obama ever did. Yet he media refuses to report on the Obama era at the border. In fact, Trump’s policies has reduced child and sex-trafficking. The same liberals who then condone child-trafficking also support PPFA.

Planned Parenthood is a multi-billion dollar business. The same Liberals who claim to care about children promote this business. This business primarily includes “easily getting rid of your bad mistakes while you were out getting hammered” and the actual selling of baby parts and bio-material. Apart from Islam, Planned Parenthood comes in at 2nd place for the most murders of the innocents in history.

Planned Parenthood deems themselves as a family planning place where they hand out condoms, pills and advice. The reality is they are all about death and the profits thereof. Whole generations of lovely little children have been lost because of this organization.. In addition companies pay big money for baby parts.

NY as of mid January 2019 now legalized abortions up to birth. What next? If your not happy with the behavior of your one year old you can have him/her aborted?? On this decision Democrats actually celebrated and applauded. In addition under their new bill/law non-medical individuals can legally perform abortions. In this writers opinion this is murder and pure evil.
NY as of mid January 2019 now legalized abortions up to birth. What next? If your not happy with the behavior of your one year old you can have him/her aborted?? On this decision Democrats actually celebrated and applauded. In addition under their new bill/law non-medical individuals can legally perform abortions. In this writers opinion this is murder and pure evil.

Trump has de-funded and has began to close this organization down. The Demoncrats continue to fight him on this issue. As a sideline note Obama and Hillary Clinton totally supported and funded PPFA. As these blogs are continually posted it is hoped that the reader will see that most social justice causes seen today are actually false groups and not what they seem. Groups and movements that actually act contrary to their mandate and do more harm than good.
Abortions for yet another year are responsible for the most annual human deaths world-wide by quite a significant margin. Yet liberals want to complain about deaths by firearms or separation of children from mothers at borders??
Liberals and their policies are responsible for this global Infanticide (similar to genocide) we see today and they have no business lecturing anyone on anything! Liberals and brutal dictators throughout history have never cared about the innocents…only silencing the people and making them defenseless! I hope and pray people will see, wake up soon and act.

How late term abortion is performed. Nasty business.

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