Liberals are much like ISIS

If you are proud of your behavior then why cover your face??

Liberals are much like ISIS. Silencing free speech, burning and tearing down history and even attempting to rewrite history.
It starts at an early age. Liberals first begin indoctrinating our children in  perverted sex-ed, Science, political studies, Religious Studies and even history.

They teach children that they can be be a boy or girl and ignore the science. The science saying there are over 600 difference in genetics which separate boys and girls. Genetic differences that no reassignment surgery will ever fix.

Political Science
And the liberal indoctrination doesn’t stop at sexuality. Liberals begin teaching our children their liberal views on many other subjects. They teach Socialism and Communism is superior to Capitalism. These liberal teachers are also very biased in defending their Leftists views. Any student dare question their instructor today is demonized. This is true fascism!
Teachers have a responsibility to remain objective and teach our children about Democracy and to accept their duly and majority elected leader. This is not what we are seeing!

They preach the Liberals Carbon tax as a means to saving the planet. That global warming will end the world and that climate control is the only solution . Liberal lies in order to create a platform to gain or keep political power, leadership and money. In fact, there is more evidence for global cooling and maybe a mini ice age than global warming. But liberals are too stupid to create a scam with at least a little truth!
Even the founder of the Weather Channel days “global warming” is a hoax.

Liberals are taught they can fix the environment by paying into the global carbon tax scam.
And this is what happens when a student questions their Liberal indoctrination.
Most education systems have brain-washed our children. The result is fascist children calling normal conservative individuals “fascist!” Oh, the irony.
In addition please listen to this government hearing on Climate Change.
So where are we headed with Liberal indoctrination. This writer will let you be the judge.

Religious Studies
More coming. Soon

Lastly, Liberals try to rewrite history.

More coming. Soon

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