
antifa vs patriots


We live in a divine world. It is a dynamic, fluid -and to some a “complicated world.” With all of us being born without an instruction manual it can be hard to find one’s place in this world. Saint Augustine however once said “the problem is not ‘complexity’ but simplicity.” This site hopes to provide the reader with the educational material needed to simplify matters create their own moral compass.

We live in a world with both beauty and ugliness. A world of light and darkness. A world with love and also hate…a world filled with people who have either good or bad intentions. A planet where good and evil seemingly continues to battle until the end of time. It is important to note that in this writer’s opinion, what we are experiencing and expected to participate in are mere post-battles. The actual War was already won 2019 years ago.

So we truly live in a dialectical or bipolar world. Once one sees the “Big Picture” the line in the sand becomes clear. With asking only two or three questions to an individual it is possible to determine their stance on virtually any other subject. As an example if a person says they are pro-choice then 99% chance they are also “open borders,” love the UN, the EU, anti-BREXIT, pro vaccine, atheistic, BDS, LGBQT, BLM, Antifa, Democrat, Progressive, Liberal and probably hate Trump. The list goes on. “A chain is only as strong as it’s links” so consistency is key. Similarly, “a kingdom divided against itself can not stand.”

As another example, in the event you are a patriot but believe in open borders and abortion then in this writer’s opinion your logic is broken and that “stance” or belief is weak link which does not belong in your chain. Conversely, if you are a member of ANTIFA then you obviously would not be in the military or serving in Law Enforcement. Both the Left and the Right have become very polarized and seem almost ready for war with each other. With a proper moral compass or “load-star” the reader will be able to quickly determine which side of the line someone is on. If they fall to the Left the only two questions which remain are:

1. They are ignorant of history and the facts and “know not what they do.”

2. Are they willing to learn, read and change?

In the battle or war between good and evil both sides desire to win you over. So which side do you choose? This writer’s advice is don’t make the issue overly complicated. Follow your heart and your feet. Remember your early days of innocence as a child and follow your common sense. If in doubt as an adult remember…God will, if you truly in your heart desire change, will and does forgive you and your wrongs. It’s never to late to do the right thing.

If you have a hard time differentiating between right and wrong, the Right and the Left and good, and evil then just take a close look at whose being honest with you and who’s doing right by you. True friends, Christians (and those from other faiths), and Republicans/Conservatives are generally the good guys whom will almost always tell you the truth and put their money where their mouth is. “You will know the tree by the fruit it bares!”

I hope this site helps in teaching and passing along true history. I also hope and pray that the historical and political commentaries/arguments made here, help the fence-sitter or undecided choose their path of righteousness and honor. Education and the Truth will set you free. Welcome to Xavier Steel’s World.

Every blog post on this site will somehow have a connection with another post on this and there will be some overlap. It is up to the reader to read them all and eventually make the connections and see the big picture. This writer is only human and can only conquer this communication challenge by presenting items in segments. Or breaking things down for the reader so that the reader can then easily assemble for themselves a working “big picture.” Perhaps leading them then back to the common denominator and compass or “star-load.” Which in this writer’s opinion is a belief and love for God. This writer will also include other blogs dealing with that particular subject. It is hoped that this site is comprehensive and leaves no rock upturned.

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